
The Language of Global Business Wednesday, May 4, 12:00 PM EDT-1:15 PM EDT

By |2022-05-03T14:07:53-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Join Dr. Janet L. Walsh and Wendy Pease for an enlightening webinar on global business language. Even if you have been in global business for years, you will find at least ONE “A HA!” moment in this webinar. Wendy shows you exactly how your business communication can be improved with a higher understanding and retention rate. Now, more than ever, businesses leaders need to communicate effectively across country boundries.

This program is elegible for HRCI/SHRM recertification credits.

To join:

#shrm #communication #language #HRCI #globalbusiness #internationalbusiness

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Eat & Greet First Look-Cascade Water Products and Caimen Software-May 3, 12:00-1:15 PM EDT

By |2022-04-30T20:07:13-04:00April 30th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Janet Walsh and Mike Bellach cordially invite you to “E&G First Look” to meet two rapidly growing, revolutionary businesses, Cascade Water Products and Caimen Software. These two businesses will be of particular interest to organizations interested in conservation of resources and customizable data information systems.

To register:


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Dr. Walsh Goes Onboard Blue Origin Space Capsule

By |2022-04-25T13:57:57-04:00April 25th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Dr. Walsh stepped onboard the Blue Origin space capsule for a simulated trip into space thanks to Jeff Bezos.  The capsule was featured at the Explorers Club
annual dinner in New York City.  Images show the capsule as it appears on the launchpad; Dr. Walsh entering the capsule; the view from inside the capsule looking toward the adjacent passenger;
the individual electronic monitors showing the capsule nearing touchdown.  Dr. Walsh reports that you don’t need to bring your purse (nothing to buy!), and she does not recommend high
heels and long gowns-too difficult to gracefully get into the reclining seats!

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Navigating International Domicile Changes

By |2022-03-09T09:33:42-05:00March 9th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Fingers touching globe with blue tinted city background

Dr. Janet L. Walsh and Birchtree Global in conjunction with the Eisner Advisory Group invite you to join us on Zoom for a compelling discussion on navigating international domicile changes. This important discussion will help you understand what to do with employees who wish to live in another jurisdiction overseas or another state. Taxes, visas, financial reporting and human resources issues will be discussed.

This discussion is eligible for 1.0 SHRM and HRCI recertification credits.  Please contact if you wish to recertify.  This program is part of Birchtree Global’s twelve free HR recertification webinars in 2022 for HR leaders. We are proud to contribute to HR continuing education.

The program details are listed below. We look forward to seeing you!

Time: Mar 10, 2022, 12:00-1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 873 3840 9417

# #humanresources #shrm #taxes #leaders #hrci #shrmscp #GPHR #globalHR #globaltax

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The Bullying Management Dilemma: The Effect of High Performing Bullying Behavior on Organizational Performance

By |2022-02-01T19:24:20-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Young male watching webinar on laptop

Join us for the first of 12 free HRCI/SHRM recertification programs.  The Bullying Management Dilemma: The Effect of High Performing Bullying Behavior on Organizational Performance

This webinar summarizes the research done by Dr. Janet Walsh, Dr. Laura Persky, and Ken Pinnock, MS, SHRM-SCP on the causes of bullying by high performance individuals and what HR leaders can do to change the situation and increase employee engagement.

Join the Zoom webinar on Thursday from 12-1:15 at:

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2022 Free HRCI/SHRM Courses

By |2021-12-22T10:29:57-05:00December 22nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Birchtree Global will be providing 12 free HRCI/SHRM certified courses, but we need your help. We are creating and producing courses for 2022, but we need you to tell us what type of course you would like to see. Please fill out the questionnaire below and let us know. Just fill out the form, email it back to We’ll tally the results, and produce exactly the courses you need. For free😊. It’s our way of celebrating getting through 2021 and giving back to the hard-working HR leaders. The questionnaire is open until 1/1/22, then we’ll share the results.

HR Certified Courses Questionnaire
___Courses in International HR Management
___Country specific HR Management-(write in country)_______________
___Subject matter specific courses
___Employee Engagement
___Remote working employment issues
___Changing HR tax legislation
___New HR legislation for 2022
___Data Protection in 2022
___HR Cyber Security Concerns for 2022
___Best Practices in Employee Management
___2022 Salary Increase Estimates
___Controlling Health Care Costs
___US Immigration and Employment Updates
___Retaining and Incenting Employees
___Leadership Development
___HR and Organizational Leadership
___Critical Business Acumen Skills for HR Leaders
___20 Critical Global Issues Facing HR Leaders
___Developing an Effective Total Rewards Program
___Key Trends in Executive Compensation
___Workplace Culture
___Understanding the Mind of the CEO
___Managing Organizational Stress
___Finance for HR Leaders
___HR and Organizational Communication
___MBTI and HR Communication
___Developing Effective Teams
___Comparative HR Systems (US/India/China/UK/Germany/Mexico/Canada/Vietnam/Ireland)
___What do you want to see?____________________________________________

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What can you do about a high performing bully in your organization?

By |2021-12-06T17:37:55-05:00December 6th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Workplace bullying is well-documented as harmful to individuals and organizations. When the bully is a high-performing worker making significant financial or operational contributions, organizations often hesitate to take action. Dr. Laura Persky, Ken Pinnock, and myself researched this subject and compared the positive and negative organizational effects of maintaining high-performance bullies in the workplace. We researched the differences between demanding and bullying behaviors and provided examples that illustrate why high performing bullies remain in organizations. We researched how their behavior is exposed to public view, and the resulting consequences and outcomes. Social media plays a significant factor in highlighting and resolving bullying. This paper offers suggestions for managing high-performance bullies through a combination of education, organizational structure, job design and a pro-active data gathering process through social media and internal outreach. It may be helpful to our colleagues as they face these issues in their organizations.

The paper was published in the Global Journal of Business Research, v. 13 (1) p. 71-81, 2019, and has been a top ten journal download.

#bullying #bullyingprevention #birchtreeglobal #laurapersky #kenpinnock

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Stephen Cassell, former EVP Brand Management, Cigna, shares his insights on the WTCA Global Market Entry Program

By |2021-11-18T16:12:25-05:00November 18th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

“Know before you go are the four words I keep in mind and encourage others to do the same as your business goes global.

Taking your brand global means being willing to take a holistic look at the pre/during and post entry requirements. This will help you launch and grow in a profitable manner. Avoiding pitfalls for global expansion is critical to the success of your growth plans – the Global Market Entry program helps to point out many of the holistic considerations you need to have in mind.”

The WTCA Global Market Entry Program is a fully online program open to all business people. For more information see:

#Worldtradecenter #Birchtreeglobal #globalbusiness #globalexpansion #globalbusinessservices #WTCA

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Ground Breaking Medical Debt Relief Program

By |2021-11-13T10:59:20-05:00November 13th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Congratulations award winning NBC investigative reporter Bill Liss, for finding and showcasing a ground breaking Medical Debt Relief program. Families have received 7.6 Million in metro Atlanta to forgive medical debt. Read about this extraordinary program and ask yourself how can we grow this program?

#medical #medicaldebt #NBCNews #BillLiss #Atlanta #Georgia

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